Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Highest Form of Irony

So, remember my angel fish? The one who ate my neon fish? Well, I put him back in his tank and blogged about his crime.Then, like five minutes after I published that story, I noticed that he was acting weird and hanging around the bottom of the tank. This is weird because he's usually chillin at the top. Another 5 minutes passed and he was lying on the bottom of the tank. I freaked out and started googling what was wrong with the little sucker and how I could fix him. I ended up getting onto a chat with an angel fish expert, that's right, this guy was an expert specifically on angel fish. How lucky was that? Anyways I told him about my conundrum and he said yeah your fish is probs dying from eating another fish and from the stress of a tank cleaning. There's not much you can do unless you can get him to "barf" up the little fish. Barf up the fish?! How on earth am I supposed to do that?! Can fish even do that? Apparently so, though it's not really barfing. Unfortunately I didn't have any of the supplies that you supposedly need to accomplish this and Fatty died. I was really depressed that I lost both my fish in the course of half an hour. That's life though and there is an important lesson to be learned. You can eat that whole cake if you really want to, but make sure you have the stomach for it. My tank is so clean and just sitting on my desk all empty. It's depressing.

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