Monday, December 16, 2013

Angel Beats

The first anime I ever watched was called Angel Beats. It was pretty good. For some reason that I'll never know I can always remember the name of the main character in Angel Beats, but I have the worst time remembering anyone else's name in any other anime. Even the other characters of Angel Beats, I can't remember their names. I know Otanashi, is the main character though. It's weird. Otanashi wakes up in the afterlife. There are other kids who take him in and explain what's going on. Everyone has something keeping them there, and they have missions to preoccupy themselves. Anyways I thought it was full of feels and had a interesting plot. There were even a few funny characters, like "Christ" and "God". It had a nice ending and was actions packed in general. It's strange to think about dying as a teenager and going to a school in the afterlife. Seems more like hell to me. It's a good anime to watch, especially for people new to anime like I was.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


So, as posted previously, I do not have cable. I cannot watch some shows that I really like, unless I find them on the internet. The main show that I regret missing is Legend of Korra. One day I went to the new gym in our area with my mom. It was the first time I had gone. I discovered something amazing about this gym. The ellipticals, treadmills, and cycling machines all had built in TV's. All you had to do was plug in headphones, and tune in to any channel you wanted to. It is not cable, but the TV directory showed that Nickelodeon was available. This means,,,I CAN WATCH LEGEND OF KORRA. When the third book starts back up I can go to the gym at the time when it's on. It's a win-win situation. I can work out and watch Legend of Korra. I'm really excited.

Issue of Bullying

So every six months or so our school pulls us from class for a lyceum on bullying that discusses the effects and how to overcome it. I think these are necessary, because bullying is a real problem. But I also think that sometimes people really over-react to little things. If one kid says something insulting to another, it's very likely that the parents will be told and the first child will be in trouble. Even if the words weren't meant to be mean, nothing can be said without people taking it the wrong way. I think there is a line between bullying and a person just having no tact in speaking. Basically, don't bully and don't be an over-reacting tattle tail.

A Thousand Splendid Suns

For my college literature class, I have to read a book called, A Thousand Splendid Suns. I started out okay, it was only a little pitiful. As the story went on, though, it just got more and more depressing. I haven't finished it yet, but I think I see where this is going. It is well written, and interesting to see how life is in Afghanistan. I don't care for the book, really, and I'll probably never read it again. I am glad to be able to say that I have read it once though. So, if you come across this book, you should read it, but be prepared for a depressing story. I'll update later with my thoughts after I have finished the book.